
Asthma Disese

Asthma is a type of long-term or chronic disease of the respiratory tract characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways that causes tightness or trouble breathing. In addition to breathing problems, asthma sufferers can also experience other symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, and wheezing. Asthma affects all ages, whether young or old.
Asthma Disese
Asthma Disese

Although the exact cause of asthma is not known clearly, but there are some things that often trigger it, such as cigarette smoke, dust, animal dander, exercise, cold air, viral infections, or even exposure to chemical substances.

For someone who has asthma, airway more sensitive than other people who do not live with this condition. When lungs irritated trigger on, then the muscles of the airways of asthmatics will become stiff and makes the channel narrows. In addition, there will be increased production of mucus that makes breathing more difficult.

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Diagnosis of asthma
To determine whether a patient suffers from asthma, the doctor needs to perform a number of tests. But before the test is done, the doctor will usually ask a question the patient about any symptoms are felt, the time of onset of symptoms, and the patient's medical history and family.

If all the information given to patients leads to asthma, then the next doctor can perform tests to confirm the diagnosis, for example:
  • Spirometry
  • Peak expiratory flow test (APE)
  • Provocation Test bronchus
  • Status Measurement Allergies
  • CT Scan
  • Roentgen
If a person is diagnosed with asthma during childhood, symptoms may be absent when she was a teenager and come back when he was older. But the symptoms of asthma are classified as medium or heavy in childhood, will tend to remain there although it may also reappear. Nevertheless, asthma can occur at any age and does not always start from childhood.

Treatment of Asthma
There are two goals in the treatment of asthma, which relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence of symptoms. To support these objectives, required treatment from a doctor who plans tailored to the patient's condition. Treatment plan includes how to recognize and handle worsening symptoms, and drugs should be used.

It is important for patients to recognize the things that can trigger their asthma in order to avoid it. If the symptoms of asthma, medicines commonly recommended is a reliever inhaler.

When an asthma attack with symptoms worsening (slowly or rapidly) although it has been treated with inhaler or other medication, the patient should immediately get treatment at the hospital. It is rare, asthma attacks may endanger lives. For patients with chronic asthma, inflammation of the airways longstanding and repeatedly can cause permanent narrowing.

Complications of Asthma
The following is the impact of asthma that can happen:
  • Psychological problems (anxiety, stress, or depression).
  • Declining performance in school or at work.
  • The body often feels tired.
  • Disorders of growth and puberty in children.
  • Status asthmaticus (severe asthma who do not respond to normal therapy).
  • Pneumonia.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Damage to the part or the entire lung.
  • Dead.

Controlling asthma
If you happen to suffer from asthma or living with asthma for a long time, do not worry about these conditions because asthma is a disease that is manageable as long as you:
  • Recognizing and avoiding asthma triggers.
  • Following asthma management plan created with your doctor.
  • Recognize an asthma attack and take action appropriate treatment.
  • Using asthma medication recommended by doctors on a regular basis.
  • Monitor the condition of your airways.
If you use your reliever inhaler asthma is increasing fast reaction, immediately consult a doctor so that your asthma management plan readjusted. In addition, it is advisable to conduct influenza and pneumonia vaccinations on a regular basis to prevent the worsening of asthma caused by both diseases.

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