
Reduces Postpartum Breast Pain

Reduces Postpartum Breast Pain: On the third day or the fourth day after birth, most mothers often complain of pain and tight in the breast called engorgement or swelling. This condition occurs because of static on the veins and arteries clear which is a sign that the ASI had started to be consumed in large quantities.
Reduces Postpartum Breast Pain
Reduces Postpartum Breast Pain
This condition will become worse if the milk is not immediately given to babies because breast will increasingly full and there will be stimulation of the nipples is a condition in which the nipple area becomes black and become more flat so difficult inhaled by the baby. To prevent this, you should give milk to the baby, although still painful. As for how to reduce the pain can be done in the following ways:
  1. Give milk to the baby regularly in the right position and make sure when breastfeeding mother and baby feel comfortable. If necessary, this can be in consultation with experts lactation for breastfeeding in infants is useful to relieve breast pain.
  2. Wash with warm water or soak in warm water and let the milk flowing by itself because it is useful for relieving pain in the breast.
  3. Do milking the milk to be stored when the breasts begin to feel full, it is also useful for storing breast milk to be given when the mother was away with her baby.
In order to relieve breast pain to the maximum, you should do this way on a regular basis and also taking into account the intake of food and beverages consumed by the mother still rested

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