
These Facts About Organic Vegetable Before You Go

Actually, what distinguishes organic vegetables with plain vegetables? Why are more and more supermarkets or vendors selling vegetables with organic label when form is not much different from the usual vegetable?
These Facts About Organic Vegetable Before You Go
These Facts About Organic Vegetable Before You Go

Organic vegetables are vegetables grown without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides (pest), herbicides (weed exterminator), engineered plant seeds, and specific radiation to eradicate the pest. Fruit or organic vegetables using natural fertilizers derived from compost or manure, and natural pest-eating bacteria such as fungi, insects that eat other insects, or plant oils.

Because organic vegetables do not use pesticides, then the process becomes more intensive and crop yields are not always successful or can be produced in large numbers. This factor is the reason why the price of organic vegetables or other organic products become more expensive than ordinary products.
Differences with Vegetable Organic Vegetable Fair

You may find some activists and enthusiasts of organic vegetable food or who already feel the benefits of this product compared to regular products. Organic vegetables considered more secure due to allegedly do not have pesticide residues of vegetables as much as usual. It still needs to be confirmed again with the standards of safe pesticide residue limits in Indonesia.

Besides better taste, organic vegetables suspected of having a level higher content of nutrients (vitamin C, certain minerals, and antioxidants). But the real advantage over still can not be ascertained because of information about the benefits of eating organic vegetables than usual vegetable and its impact on health is still very limited.

If you are interested in trying organic vegetables, choose the vegetable group that typically has a large amount of pesticide residues than vegetables or other fruits, one potato. Some vegetables or other fruits that also keeps the pesticide residues are green beans, peas, leeks, pumpkin, spinach, peppers, celery, lettuce, apples, pears, strawberries, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, and grapes imported , If you want to buy organics, choose fruits and vegetables on top to avoid pesticide residues that can be harmful to health.

Although believed to be more secure, it turns out some of the risks also appear in organic crops. Soil conditions in organic fields that are free of pesticides and other chemicals is feared could be a good place for bacteria to live. This can increase the risk of E. coli contamination in organic vegetables. In addition, some plants such as potatoes can produce a natural pesticide to defend themselves against pests. The absence of help from the feared chemical pesticides can increase the production of natural pesticide which is feared also endanger human health.

Whatever option you choose vegetables, experts argue, the most important thing to think about is the amount of vegetables or fruit is consumed, cleanliness, and freshness. Organic or not, make sure you meet the nutritional needs of the daily standard number of vegetables, ie 1600-2000 calories, for example by eating half a cup of vegetable juice every day. If the intake is met, then the benefits you get will be far outweighed the dangers which can arise, including as a result of exposure to pesticide residues.

Do not forget to wash first of all vegetables and fruits, without soap and under running water to remove dirt, bacteria and pesticide residues. If not washed, bacteria present on the skin vegetables or fruits can get into the flesh of the fruit when you cut vegetables or fruit.

Peel and discard the outermost layer of vegetables, such as lettuce and cabbage. Eat organic vegetables or fruits when still fresh, because some nutrients can be oxidized if it is too long in the refrigerator or silenced, so that it can eliminate the benefits.

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