
Cough Medicines for Infants Safe for Consumption

Giving cough medicine for infants should not be arbitrary, counter cough medicines expressly forbidden to eat your baby. Here are some cough medicine for infants safely administered to your baby.

Cough in infants or children occurs when the throat, trachea, or the inside of the lungs become irritated or even infection. Coughing is the body's way of protecting themselves and the normal reaction in order to clear mucus from the airways. Generally, cough in infants is similar infection symptoms of the common cold virus and will subside on its own after two weeks. But do not underestimate, Mother needs to know the types and causes and cough medicine for the baby safely administered.
Cough Medicines for Infants Safe for Consumption
Cough Medicines for Infants Safe for Consumption

Cough is composed of two types of dry and wet cough cough. Cough in infants could also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, red eyes, nasal congestion, loss of appetite, and irritability. Alternatively, it may appear swollen lymph nodes in the bottom of the arms, neck, or on the back of the head. Infants under the age of 4 months will usually only experience a mild cough, but if a cough that occurs too often that means a serious omen .. Well, if it is so, Mother needs careful handling as well as giving cough medicine to your baby. Regulatory agencies, the United States Food and Drug Administration does not even recommend OTC cough medicines are to be given to Small Si (under 2 years), because these drugs can have serious side effects and potentially life-threatening your baby.
Cough Medicine Safe for Babies Granted
There are a variety of simple ways to handle cough in infants, one of them by giving more intake of milk that is useful to help the baby's body fight infection. Giving medicine to infants cough can also help to overcome cough. The drug can be administered at the time of the Little cough, among others:

  • Child paracetamol. Mother can give paracetamol as a cure for a baby with the provisions Little is aged two months or she was born after 37 weeks gestation, and weighing more than 4 kg. Paracetamol can relieve fever and pain, but it does not relieve the swelling and inflammation. Paracetamol tends to be safer for your baby's stomach than ibuprofen, so Mother does not need to give it with food. Giving paracetamol right dose is given every four hours to six hours, and no more than four times in a 24 hour period. If your baby is also taking any other medications, make sure it does not contain paracetamol as well. Be sure to always adhere to the recommended dosage given.
  • Ibuprofen Children. Ibuprofen specifically for children can also be a cough medicine to your baby. Mother can give this drug when Little 3 months old or weigh at least 5 kg. Ibuprofen may reduce fever, body aches, pains, and reduces inflammation. Ibuprofen tends to be slightly stronger than paracetamol. Give ibuprofen no more than three doses within a 24 hour period, and the intervals of not less than 6 hours. One of the drawbacks of ibuprofen is that it can irritate your baby's stomach if it is not given correctly, especially if your baby is not eating well. So, it is advisable to provide it with food.
  • Saline Drop. Drops of saline solution can be used to thin the thick mucus making it easy to be issued and relieve breathing. Squirt saline into the baby's nostrils, and then suction mucus by using suction mucus (phlegm suction rubber ball) to remove mucus that much. Saline can be purchased at pharmacies. Saline solution can also be used to moisturize the airway because the air is too dry.

Always read the packaging of drugs and do not hesitate to consult a doctor before giving any medication to your child in order to get the dose right and the manufacturer's instructions.

Besides giving cough medicine to infants, the cough can also be overcome by the simple steps below.

  • Honey. Honey is an ingredient that is recommended for children to relieve sore throats and eases cough. Mother could give half a teaspoon of honey or 2 to 5 ml before bedtime. Honey is only recommended in children who are older than 1 year. Avoid giving honey because it can cause botulism (poisoning due to Clostridium botulinum bacteria) in infants. Also learn more about the consequences of giving honey to babies under one year old.
  • Simply break. If Little cough, Mother could handle these conditions by ensuring Little getting adequate rest periods. One way to take advantage of a good rest for the body is to let Little sleep as much as they want.
  • Increase your fluid intake. Reproduce the fluid can reduce the mucus and make the airways more smoothly. For infants aged 3 months to 1 year can be given warm water or apple juice with 5-15 ml doses four times a day. For infants under 6 months of age, it is advisable to drink only breast milk or formula. For infants under 3 months of age are advised to immediately see a doctor if the cough.
  • Raise Baby Head. As with adults, raising the pillow while sleeping can also help facilitate breathing when experiencing cough and cold.
  • As the handling of cough in children, infants can also utilize steam in the room to help relieve the windpipe. Make sure you keep the baby when inhaling the vapors from being injured.

Although often not a bad sign, Mother must remain careful when Little cough. If the cough medicine for infants above do not help or other symptoms arise which may endanger, immediately contact your doctor or the nearest health facility to get medical assistance.

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