Benefits of Guava Juice for Health
Guava tree is a tropical plant that is commonly found in the State of Indonesia. Guava itself is a fruit that is no stranger to the community. As the name implies, this fruit is identical with fruit that has many seeds. Most people are lazy to eat this guava because it has many seeds. Though there are ways that can be done to keep taking them by eliminating the seeds, one of which is to process it into a delicious and refreshing juice.
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Benefits of Guava Juice for Health |
Red guava has a red meat color with a flavor that tends to be sweet when compared to a white guava. Besides delicious, this fruit has many health benefits. For that, on this occasion the author will describe the benefits of red guava juice for health.
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Benefits of Drinking Guava Fruit Juice for Body Health
1. Improve Eye Health
Inside this fruit is rich in vitamin A and carotene. The content serves to maintain health and improve sharpness in the eye organs.
2. Have Antioxidant Benefits
In addition to vitamin A, guava also contains vitamin C which plays an antioxidant and synthesize collagen in the body. Other antioxidant compounds present in guava are flavonoids and polivenol such as lycopene, betacarotene, cryptoxanthin and lutein. The content of these antioxidant compounds play a role to reduce the risk of cancer and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. While collagen is the primary struc- tual protein necessary to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, organs, bones and skin.
3. Maintain Digestive Health System
In this one fruit also contain high fiber content. The fiber serves to maintain the digestive system and nourish the digestive organs by protecting the mucous membranes of the colon and reducing exposure to toxins. In addition, the fiber in red guava also serves to lower blood sugar levels.
4. Helps Nutrition Absorption
Guava is also rich in mineral content in the form of manganese. The content plays an important role to help the body absorb nutrients of food that has been consumed. This is due to the nutrient intake for the body is also determined in the absorption process.
5. Helping the Thyroid Gland
In addition to manganese, this red fruit also contains good copper minerals to maintain and help the function of the thyroid gland. Disruption of the kiroid gland causes health problems, one of which is causing serious illness.
Benefits of eating red guava is not only useful for the health of the body, because it is also beneficial to maintain healthy skin. After knowing some health information about the benefits of guava red, then do not hesitate to eat them.
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