
The Dangers of Soft Drinks for Body Health

Soft drinks is one type of drink that is favored by the community for all walks of life, ranging from children to adults. How to get this drink is very easy because it is almost available in stores nearby and supermarkets with a variety of different types and flavors are offered
The Dangers of Soft Drinks for Body Health
The Dangers of Soft Drinks for Body Health

Though behind the pleasure and freshness of this drink, it turns out there are adverse effects to human body health that can be detected if consumed in the long term with a number of intensity is not small.

1. Contains High Sugar Levels
In soft drinks there is a high sugar content, which is about 90%. If consumed in large quantities will certainly trigger obesity, diabetes and various other health problems.
2. Contains Phosphoric Acid
Phosphoric acid is a substance that is highly corrosive to bone, if consumed continuously will result in damage to bone tissue that can trigger various problems such as incomplete bone growth, bone fragility and various other bone disorders.

3. Contains Various Chemical Substances
In the soft drinks contain various chemicals that can damage the liver and kidneys. It can also cause a person to lose memory gradually.

All these dangers will be obtained by the body, when consuming continuous soft drinks in excessive quantities. However, it would be nice if you avoid consuming soft drinks by replacing them with consume water because it prevents it better than cure

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