
3 Danger That Can Happen Due To Vitamin A Deficiency

3 Danger That Can Happen Due To Vitamin A Deficiency: In this modern and sophisticated era, there are still many people who lack vitamin. It even includes the capital's well-to-do residents.
3 Danger That Can Happen Due To Vitamin A Deficiency
3 Danger That Can Happen Due To Vitamin A Deficiency

One vitamin that is often overlooked is vitamin A. This vitamin can not be self-produced by the body, and can only be obtained through food. Vitamin A is found in many vegetables and fruits is an important role. Not just for eye health, this vitamin is also important for overall body health.

What harm if the body lacks vitamin A?

1. The immune system decreases
In addition to playing an important role in maintaining eye health, adequate vitamin A in the body also serves important to maintain and help boost immunity. This can lead to disruption of the skin and hair, even the weakening of the body's immune system.

2. Impaired vision, even blindness in children
When your body is deficient in vitamin A, it affects your eyesight, such as dry eye (xeropthalmia), You should also know that vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness that can actually be prevented in children around the world. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 to 500,000 children in developing countries who are blinded annually due to vitamin A deficiency. While some of the children who experience the kebutan, die within a year after losing their eyesight.

3. Interfere with fetal development in pregnant women
In addition to children, pregnant women also become a group susceptible to vitamin A deficiency. This risk is highest experienced during the third trimester, where the growth of the fetus took place rapidly. However, this does not mean pregnant women can take vitamin A supplements. Keep in mind, that the excessive consumption of vitamin A can be harmful to the fetus.
How to check whether your vitamin A intake is enough?
As mentioned above, the dangers of vitamin A deficiency not only impact your vision, but also cause other health problems. Alone, this vitamin can not be produced by the body, but also must get intake from the outside.

Do not wait until this happens. You can actively check yourself whether your vitamin intake is enough, by using Vitamin Meter. You just need to fill in a few questions, and the results will show you what vitamins are still not enough today.

If it is still lacking, where can we get vitamin A?
If Vitamin Meter shows that you are still lacking vitamin A intake, you can fulfill it through a variety of vegetables and fruits.

You can get daily vitamin A intake from various vegetables that are green or dark. Vitamin A in high quantities can be found for example in yams, carrots, kale, spinach, and lettuce.

In addition to vegetables, certain types of fruits can also be a good source of vitamin A for the body. Among them are the fruit of mango, watermelon, papaya, guava, and pomegranate. These fruits are rich in carotene which is essential for optimal eye health.

You can also get daily vitamin A requirement through fruit juice that is practical and ready to drink. For example, Buavita Guava contains 100% vitamin A of your needs, so drinking Buavita Guava can help meet your daily vitamin A requirement.

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