
7 Drinking Dangers of Stand-by Which You Must Be Alert

Whether we realize it or not, drinking while standing is mostly done by people including us as well. Rushing may be one of the contributing factors. In addition, on occasions such as parties, ceremonies, entertainment venues, sports, also make us forced to drink while standing.
7 Drinking Dangers of Stand-by Which You Must Be Alert
7 Drinking Dangers of Stand-by Which You Must Be Alert

Did you know, it turns out that drinking standing not only is not recommended by religious teachings and ethics you know, but also bad for health. Because, in our body there is a filter or filter called sfringer, which is a collection of muscle fibers shaped like a ring that works to open and close the natural path of our body.

Reported from the wellordie.com page, here is the danger that threatens if until now we still like to drink while standing.

Drinking Dangers of Stand Stand to Be Wary of

1. Drink standing while causing splashes of water entering the stomach suddenly will damage the digestive system and stomach upset.

When we drink while standing, the throat will become narrowed and wrinkled. Automatically water will go directly into the body without passing through the intestine and splash into the abdominal wall. This splashes that can damage the digestive system in the long run.

Also, this will make it difficult for food to be ground to crumble smoothly on the digestive tract. This condition that often makes us feel the pain in the stomach, abdominal bloating, nausea, and other discomfort.

2. Drink while standing also causes stomach disturbed. Starting from rising stomach acid to injure the wall of the stomach. Want like that?

The stomach includes the organ that is most affected if it is often drinking while standing. Drinking water can shock the part of the channel (spincter) that leads to the stomach to cause GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) or so-called gastric acid increase.

Acid in the stomach that should be diluted it will be mixed up so as to provide a sensation of heat in the abdomen to the throat. Grief stomach from drinking while standing not until there alone, if it is severe can even erode and cause injury in the stomach.

In fact, as we know with the stomach including the most important part in the digestive system, so that if there is damage to the stomach would be dangerous for other digestive systems.
3. Kidney screening process performed so not optimal and potentially the occurrence of bladder channel disorders.

Not only the stomach and stomach are affected, drinking habits while standing can also cause filter filters in the kidneys closed, so that the water we drink will go directly to the bladder without going through the screening process first in the kidney tissue.

This condition facilitates the accumulation of dirt in the ureter that can cause bladder channel disturbance. And if in the long run can cause permanent damage in the kidney. Do not you want dialysis continue?

4. Due to disruption of fluid balance in the body that is channeled to the joints, we are more at risk of arthritis!

This one disturbance may be shocking. How can, just drinking while standing alone can trigger arthritis? So this way, drink standing while can disturb the balance of fluids in the body because the incoming water is not evenly distributed, including to the joints. As a result, there is accumulation of fluid in the joints of the body and cause arthritis.

Arthritis itself is an inflammation of the joints that cause stiffness and swelling in the joints accompanied by pain, causing the sufferer difficult to move freely.

5. No kidding, these bad habits are also at risk for heart health due to disruption of nerves kelana

Whether we realize it or not, the nerves of the body can strain when we drink in a state of standing. This happens because there is a sudden reaction of the walnut nerves (the nerves of the brain to ten) scattered almost in all the organs of the intestine. If it persists then it can trigger a heart attack.

Conversely, if you drink in a sitting position then parasimpatetik system will be conditioned more relaxed so that nerves will not tense. So that the process of absorption of drinking water and digestion can run quite well.

6. Because the nerves work improperly, then the balance of the body will also be disrupted

Drinking while standing can cause the central nervous system organs to be depressed and forced to continue to work hard in order to stabilize the condition of the body in a state of tension without us knowing it.

As a result, the nerves of the body in stressful conditions and trigger the emergence of nerve dysfunction. Well this abnormality of nerve function that will affect the balance, muscle coordination, and movement of our bodies.

7. Feeling you feel still thirsty despite drinking a lot, drink it while standing up anyway!

It turns out that thirst will be difficult to lose when we drink while standing. Instead, the thirst will increase. Yes, natural, incoming water will be spread everywhere and not absorbed perfect by the body. It's good to drink while sitting and take a sip of water little by little so well absorbed.

How? It turns out that not only the amount of water that we have to pay attention to, but also how we drink it, including one of the body position when drinking. The safest drinking position is to sit, because while sitting the gastrointestinal and nervous organ in a state of calm so it can process it well.

So, from now on leave this bad habit and move on to good habits yuk. Is not it hard to drink while sitting? Do not forget to tag and share to your friends who are still drinking while standing so they are aware well!

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