
Anything Causes Blood Pissing

Should not ignore if there is blood in the urine, except in women who are menstruating. Blood urine can be a sign of a problem with your kidneys, urethra, or prostate. Or vice versa, can also not a serious condition. To be sure, medical examinations and laboratory tests are required.
Anything Causes Blood Pissing
Anything Causes Blood Pissing

Blood present in the urine comes from the kidneys or urinary tract. If it contains blood, the urine appears bright brown, red, or pink. However, blood in the urine may not always be visible by the invisible eye because in some cases it will require examination under a microscope. Here are some common conditions that can cause blood urine.

Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections are often caused by E. coli bacteria. In general, symptoms of pain during urination, frequent urination, smell of urine sting and can contain blood. In women, it usually feels pain in the pelvis. While in men, on the rectal or rectum.

  • If the infection occurs in the urethra, ie the urethra from the bladder to the anus, you will feel sore when urinating.
  • Whereas if the infection occurs in the bladder, you will feel uncomfortable in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, and pain. Women are more likely to have higher bladder infections than men. This is because the female urethra is shorter than the male, allowing bacteria to enter from the urethra to the bladder.
  • More serious conditions can occur if bacteria infect the kidneys. Additional symptoms include high fever, nausea and vomiting, fever, and pain in the side of the back.
In addition to urinary tract infections, blood urine can also indicate the presence of kidney stones or kidney cancer.
  • Kidney stones can block the urinary tract, so the result will interfere with the urination process. This stone is formed from the waste in the blood that crystallizes. This condition can be caused by lack of drinking water, taking drugs that are at risk of affecting the urine content, or undergoing certain medical conditions.
  • Kidney cancer occurs when there are cells that grow uncontrollably in the kidneys. The trigger is not yet certain, but smoking and obesity are risk factors for this condition. Generally kidney cancer is experienced by people aged over 50 years, in this case men are more potent than women.
If you have a lump in the area of ​​the kidney, constant pain under the ribs, as well as having blood urine, then it is suspect about the possibility of kidney cancer. Immediately consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment.

The prostate gland is between the penis and the bladder. As the prostate swells, the bladder and urethra become depressed. As a result, the bladder will feel full, but it is difficult to remove urine. Prostate swelling is common in men over 50 years of age. Believed, the cause is hormonal changes as we age.

Meanwhile, prostate cancer can also cause blood urine. The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown. However, the factors of aging and genetics can increase the risk of getting cancer. Symptoms of prostate cancer, among others:
  • It takes a long time to remove all urine in the bladder.
  • Poor urinary flow.
  • After completion of urination, the urge to urinate again, but with less urine quantity.
  • Urinating with frequencies more often.
Several tests need to be done to diagnose whether the blood urine experienced is caused by certain serious conditions. The test, among other urine tests, ultrasound examinations, and tests of protein levels produced by the prostate gland, the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). The earlier you get checked, the disease can be dealt with immediately to prevent his condition worse.

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