
9 Symptoms of Typhus Disease In Children and Adults According to the Doctor

Typus, typhoid, typhoid or typhoid fever occurs due to Salmonella typhi bacterial infection. Diseases that many attack these children can endanger life if not get the right handling and as soon as possible.
9 Symptoms of Typhus Disease In Children and Adults According to the Doctor
9 Symptoms of Typhus Disease In Children and Adults According to the Doctor
Typhus can be transmitted quickly. Infections and typhoid fever can occur when a person is eating a contaminated food or drink a small amount of stool, or more unusually, a bacterial infected urine.

In general, incubation of typically typhoid (typhoid) bacteria is about 7 to 14 days. This is the duration when the bacteria first infect the body tissues until the first symptoms appear.

In addition, direct contact with people can also increase the risk of bacterial Salmonella typhi infection.

Tipes Case (Typhus)
In 2000, it was estimated that there were more than 2.16 million cases of typhus worldwide with 216,000 deaths. Sadly, over 90% of deaths occur in Southeast Asia.

In our own country for example, cases of tipes are estimated to reach about 900,000 per year with a mortality rate of over 20,000 each year. Poor sanitation and limited clean water are suspected to be the cause of easy typing attacking the homeland community.

Typhus Symptoms In Children and Adults Generally

Symptoms of typhoid disease will generally appear about a week or two after a person infected with Salmonella typhi bacteria. Therefore, it is very important for us to know the symptoms of tipes early in order to do preventive or treatment optimally. What are the symptoms?
  1. High fever up to temperature 39oC - 40oC. In the first week of fever will experience up and down, while in the second week the fever will continue to rise and worsen.
  2. Muscles are sore and often sore.
  3. The appearance of an unbearable headache.
  4. Often feel weak.
  5. Excessive fatigue.
  6. Loss of appetite, sometimes accompanied by nausea.
  7. In children often experience diarrhea (diarrhea), while adults actually experience kontipasi (difficult chapter).
  8. The appearance of skin rashes in the form of small red spots.
  9. Often feel confused. This is marked by not knowing where and what actually happened.
Above is a symptom of typology in general. Symptoms of this tipes will develop from week to week, with the following characteristics:

9 Symptoms of Typhus Disease In Children and Adults According to the Doctor

The first week
  • Fever. Initially not too high, then gradually increased and reached the temperature of 39oC - 40oC.
  • Excessive headache.
  • Lack and fatigue. Similar symptoms of diabetes.
  • Have a dry cough.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • An unbearable stomachache.
  • The appearance of diarrhea or constipation.
  • Rash on the skin.

Second week
If not immediately handled in the first week, then you will enter the second stage with more severe symptoms, among others.
  • High fever that still continues, alias getting worse.
  • Diarrhea or severe constipation.
  • Drastic weight loss. one of which is caused by loss of appetite.
  • The stomach feels very bloated.

The third week
Entering the third week you will experience typhoid symptoms as follows.
  • You may be more delirious and confused.
  • Lying limp and exhausted with half-open eyes.

The fourth week
When the fourth week of typhoid symptoms, especially fever slightly improved slowly. Fever will drop more or less for a week to 10 days. But symptoms of the more severe typhoid will appear after the next two weeks.

When to Go to a Doctor?
Be patient to see your doctor if your child or you have symptoms of typhoid (typus) as above, to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Usually to ascertain whether a person is exposed to tipes or not the doctor will perform a physical examination and investigation, among others:
  • A complete blood count (CBC) will show an increase in white blood cells, but may also be normal and even lower.
  • Blood cultures or gall culture during the first week of fever, can address S. typhi bacteria.

The other tests that can address typhoid fever include:
  • Study of antibody lgM / LgG anti S typhi.
  • Platelet count, possibly low platelet count.
  • Stool culture in the second week.
  • ELISA, a urine test for bacteria that causes typhoid fever.
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Typhoid Vaccination
In Indonesia, Typhoid vaccination as a tiple prevention is an immunization recommended by the government, but not yet entered into the mandatory category. This typhoid vaccine is given over 2 years and is repeated in stages every 3 months. Immunization is done in the form of infant injections and in oral form for children over the age of 6 years.

However, as with other vaccines, typhoid vaccine is not able to provide protection from 100% tipes. Children who have been immunized tifoid can still get the bacterial infection. However, the infections of children who have been given the vaccine will not be as bad as children who have not been vaccinated at all.

Remember! the sooner to be treated the better the results will be. Therefore, identify more deeply around the characteristics and symptoms of diabetes above. If you have questions about typhus symptoms please write in the comment field.

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